Saturday, December 26, 2009

Should we make voting compulsory

The question to ask Prof. Gupta is who elected them and why are they in power?

The voting rights are given to utilize but when such votes can be bought with liquor and money, such rights have no value.
We call India the biggest democracy but is is not a fruad? I have often questioned this one question, Does any Indian voter know who represents them?????

These so called leaders are not people choice but choice of Central Committees of the parties who are issuing tickets to thier own for election. We borrowed that from British and are in a way still being ruled by our Masters Laws.

Modi or Mayawati are no different than every other power hungry leader but who elected them and what has been done to make any changes. These are the fundamental questions instead of attacking anyone. It is the people who are not willing to take charge and thus
one can write
BUT WHAT CHANGES YOU HAVE ADVISED EXCEPT YOUR LONG LETTERS.  We would like to know some changes you can talk off. Let us hear.People cannot be just hanged as you desire. First you need Law and Order and ethics..

India is an old civilization no doubt but where are the rules and regulations and ethics. Just by crying being an old civilization does not make anything right. The Civilizations come and go but we are the only people who keep pointing it. Greeks,Egyptians, Romans,Mayan and many others came and went and those nations have moved ahead but unfortunately we are the only nation who clings to our past and do nothing to improve.

China is as old as India a civilization but they became pragmatic and decided to move ahead. They are leaving India and many other old industrial nations in the dust. True they dont have democracy but have disciplined labour . People cherish their old civilization and thus progress. We talk of our old civilization but have no regard. We are lazy and unethical and to stay in power we join even the Devil. We are good at talking and writing 

Monday, December 21, 2009


Recently I read a news in sandesh “Is the eliens are visiting the earth when the human are started to grow up from the ape?” here is some issues that make you think of it may be twice.


I have only been able to find the two images which I had sseen in sandesh, regional newspaper that you see here and have learned that this particular wall mural does not appear in any official guidebooks!... I wonder why? 
This pictures are taken from “Tomb of Ptah-Hotep, at Saqqara, Egypt, which dates back to the 5th Dynasty

You can see the rocket shapes which had invented probably before 200 or more years I don’t know the exactly.
The wall mural that is pictured to the left resides in a temple in the goldmines of Kush. Notice the rocket and figures standing by it!

You may have seen the picture to the right before. These images were found on the ceiling beams of the 3000 year old New Kingdom Temple -- specifically dedicated to the chief god of the Egyptian pantheon, Osiris. located several hundred miles south of Cairo and the Giza Plateau, at Abydos.  As you can see, images of a helicopter, submarine, plane and hovercraft are depicted! Again this piece of ancient art seems to suggest that the Egyptians knew about the latest technology that we are using today.  

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Islam and Terrorism

The word terrorism and Islam are now very much used interchangeably. IN movies a terrorist is portrayed as a muslim with a beard, and no mustache. How did the happen, who are responsible for this cliche?Is there anything fundamentally wrong with the Islamic religion which allows its leaders to manipulate the followers so much. ?

Well this is something serious !!and it should be discussed in this blogwith most care !!!!!
Recently I saw a movie named “kurbaan” in this movie one sentence which make me wright this post is “THE PROBLEM IS NOT THAT WHY ALL MUSLIM ARE TERRORIST BUT ALL THE TERRORIST WHO ARE BUSTED ARE WHY ONLY MUSLIM?
I believe it bcoz some of those terrorist organisations are supported and guided by muslim religious fanatics..and of course the most popular of such organisations are muslim groups like AL-QUAIDA !!

"Is there anything fundamentally wrong with the Islamic religion which allows its leaders to manipulate the followers so much. ?"

I am not in any way trying to insult the religion and I have quite a lot of muslim friends also. I am just trying to find out why terrorism is always seen linked with muslims We do have LTTE, Ulfa, etc. But the word terrorist has become a replacement for the word, muslim terrorist. Why is that so. ?

Terrorism is happening a lot in the muslim societyand in the muslim countriesThere are a lot of people who are misguided by the term JIHAD. Actual word is “fasad”, jehad means fight for justice.Actually people are changing the meaning of the term according to their needs.

Not all Islamist are Terrorist